I haven’t wanted to write this blog for a couple of reasons. My trip to Uganda wasn’t what I or anyone would have expected and I didn’t want anyone’s pity – pity is counterintuitive to The Hunger Project’s (THP’s) philosophy. I also haven’t wanted to disappoint you. I...

Why 10,000 is the new crack
You may have seen me on social media recently, blowing a big trumpet and rolling out the fan fare on an article I’d submitted to elephantjournal.com, which was subsequently published. For a little girl like me, who only four years ago had no idea she could write –...

Dear 2015 – thank you. My year in review
Dear 2015 I underestimated you. Just when I thought you were going one way, you hijacked the train and changed course. You were rich, even though at times you felt empty. This is what you gave me; I loved - fleetingly yet hard I found it hard to let go I sought...

Grief, Loss & Love
When I made the decision to step away from my business a couple of months back I honestly thought it was because I was in business for the wrong reasons. Whilst I had been doing some digging internally and had discovered a set of beliefs that weren’t serving me, that...

I’m leaving you…
...for now It’s not you. It’s me. The last two weeks have been pivotal. I have gone from having a clear vision and purpose for my business with good direction to…. Nothing. I woke up and it just wasn’t there anymore. The vision had all of a sudden gone blank. It had...

3 Things To Do Before You Quit
Revellers, misfits, extraordinary folks and folks who think they’re not extraordinary but really are 😉 Just before I left for Peru, I promised that I would have some thinking time and create something for you. Well, I did. I’ve put together a workshop that is small...

What to do when it’s hard to let go
Relationships. Probably out of the scope of this Corporate Hippie’s remit but I’m going to go there nonetheless. I had a beautiful experience with someone across the end of last year and early this year and admittedly, I was finding it hard to let go. Even after...

Insights from the Amazon & trekking the Andes!
Phew. I’m back. After two weeks of completely relinquishing any work responsibility I’m back to the hum drum of Sydney life… but not without a few reflections on my magical, mystical time away. Whilst I was away I experienced a wide array of activity. There was heat,...

I’m taking a break
Spending time with a gorgeous friend on Monday evening, we visited the recital hall and took in a classical string quartet. The tickets were a gift and though neither of us would actively choose this kind of concert, we truly, truly appreciated it none the less. The...

Does everything happen for a reason?
You know the old adage – everything happens for a reason. This is a statement usually applied to situations we can’t really make sense of just yet, that we are having difficult digesting or that are way out of the realms of our desires. If we lose something or...
“…you’ll be amazed where her techniques for coaching can take you…..The answers are all there. Lynda just helps you find them.”
“Lynda helped me trust myself and rediscover my awesomeness.”
“Lynda is magnificent!”
“I can’t recommend Lynda highly enough.”
“I’m more confident of what I want to do and how I should achieve it …”
“Love the passion and excitement brought…”
“Can’t wait to have you back again Lynda…thanks for a truly motivating experience.”
“The first thing I noticed is her irrepressible enthusiasm for life and helping others…”
“…her willingness to go the extra mile for her clients.”
“ I have no hesitation in recommending her services to anyone looking for a professional and committed coach.”
“Your workshop was brilliant as it really engaged the audience and attracted robust discussion…”