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Wow. Not something  I am used to.

I’ve never actually been the jealous type. In all my relationships I have always been secure enough within myself to weather any ‘green monster’ that might be lurking in the shadows.

But I realised this week when a friend of mine shared the good news that she was brokering a book deal that I am not immune to this creature.

It’s absolutely marvellous, wonderful, amazing in fact, that my friend has struck this gold. I am thrilled beyond words for her.

But I was triggered. I was triggered to my core.

Let me tell you something about being triggered. It is NEVER about the other person. It is ALWAYS about you.

Bitter pill to swallow but it’s true.

Sometimes I wallow in a bit of complaining, a bit of a vent, a bit of a b*tch and moan and groan. And by Goddess do I expect those close to me to indulge me in that for a little bit at least.

But what I know, at my very core, deep down in my soul, is that being triggered is a signal to hold the mirror up to yourself.

What is it about this situation that has you feeling this negative emotion?

Envy, for me, happens because I’m coveting thy neighbour’s position.

Which is ridiculous because everyone has their own unique path that they’re on. Everyone has their own set of unique circumstances and experiences that they’ve been faced with that sees them where they are now.

And we mustn’t forget that everyone is facing their own battle, in one way or another.

I’m actually relieved that I had this feeling for two reasons; it signifies that I’m human and it allows me to explore, have realisations and create greater awareness of myself.

Is there an emotion that rears its ugly little head a bit too often than not for you?

Is it something that once looked at, you can see the roots as to why… and it comes back to you?

You might like to share your insights in the comments below! What dirty little sin might you be committing? Or perhaps this one’s just for you to work on privately. Either way, I’m with you 100%.

With love


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