by lbayada | Aug 17, 2014 | Uncategorized
I have a dirty little secret… I can wait for Fridays. I don’t dread Mondays. I don’t describe Wednesdays as a ‘hump’ to get over. Why do I feel like this is a dirty little secret? Because surely you’re not supposed to enjoy your working week?! Surely not. Let me tell...
by lbayada | Aug 13, 2014 | Uncategorized
I think you may know now that I also teach some university classes. In the midst of teaching my communications class this morning, I was struck by a comment made by one of my students. See, the topic was culture and the differences between communication across...
by lbayada | Aug 10, 2014 | Uncategorized
It’s a bit of a cloudy, misty, almost rainy morning as I write this and it’s made me want to snuggle… with you. I come here as a safe haven at times, comfy in the nook of my writing, comfy in the nook of my writing to you. These kinds of days make me a little...
by lbayada | Aug 6, 2014 | Uncategorized
In the last week I’ve started a course in ‘soul expression’ with the good people of Soul Sessions and Matt Omo, my friend and healer. (He is fricken awesome, btw. I highly recommend him and his centre here in Sydney.) I’m doing this course in order to help find my...
by lbayada | Aug 1, 2014 | Uncategorized
I love my yoga practice. Don’t worry, I’m not here to preach or push a yoga practice onto you for whatever form of exercise or practice you take to look after your body is the right one for you. I just want to share what it is that I’ve discovered whilst being on the...
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