Just how good do you think you are?

Just how good do you think you are?

Are you a ‘rescuer’? Rescuers are those who want to see people succeed, so they do everything in their own power to help them, sometimes at the expense of themselves. Rescuer behaviour is well intended. Rescuers see someone in trouble and, well, come to their rescue....
On the road less travelled? You need to do this…

On the road less travelled? You need to do this…

On their pathway to success, entrepreneurs or potential entrepreneurs often see themselves as ‘being alone’. Entrepreneurs are breaking ground, they’re bucking the system and they’re doing the thing that people said they couldn’t do. Sometimes being out there doing...
I’m so excited that you’re going to fail!

I’m so excited that you’re going to fail!

One of the thoughts (just one of them) that ran through my mind when faced with the dilemma of starting my own business, taking a new path and exiting my well established career was, “But, but, but what if it fails?” What if it fails? What if it falls flat on its...
You expect what?!

You expect what?!

Relationships are a tricky thing, aren’t they? Not only do we need to be comfortable with our own perception and ideals of the world, but then we need to navigate and understand (though not necessarily be comfortable with) someone else’s. And our...