Are you committed to being committed?

Are you committed to being committed?

I’m writing this blog by the skin of my teeth tonight. It’s late. I’m tired. But I’m committed. Commitment has been something that I’ve been noticing in the last three weeks. Either I’m finding people aren’t committed or I’m finding people are committed at the expense...
I wanted to delve deeper on that horse…

I wanted to delve deeper on that horse…

Earlier this week, I mentioned values. Values are the set of behaviours that we desire. It’s what we’re seeking in life. We choose to prioritise certain things over another as a result of our values. Do you know your values? What are they? What order do they come in?...
Are you flogging a dead horse?

Are you flogging a dead horse?

Can I talk about relationships here, with you? This last week has brought some of my most vital relationships under the microscope. I lost a couple, I found a new level of understanding on a couple and one is still under question. A week of absolute upheaval and pure...
What would Bon Jovi do?

What would Bon Jovi do?

I was debating one morning about getting up for 6am yoga; the choice between a sneaky little extra lie in and something productive for the body and my long term health. Yoga won in the end. My housemate noticed I left the house early and said, “Do you always ask...