Choose or decide? It’s your choice… or decision. Huh?!
Lord have mercy I’m beating myself up today when it comes to writing this blog. I have the content, I just don’t have the words! I’m in one of those indecisive moods where I’m just not sure which way to go with it. This way or that, this way or that? Argh! It reminds...

Psst. I want to tell you my deepest desire…
My deepest desire is that your deepest desire turns into commitment and action. The only way to do that is by taking that first step. Just one. Go on. I have complete faith in you. Complete faith. With love Lynda PS. If you like what I have to say, I'd love you to...

I have a confession to make…
I’m writing this from my bed. And it’s 5 to 10… am, that is. I got up, had breaky and slid back into bed where I felt like I needed nurturing today. See, I’ve been on a journey. A magnificent, magical, wonderful journey. And I’m a little bit tired. The last three...

What to do when old ‘stuff’ comes up
Just when you think you’ve dealt with something good and proper, it comes back to bite you on the bum. For the last few weeks a friend had kindly leant me his office space to work from. I was so grateful to have a change of scenery from the home office that I accepted...

How do you do ‘busy’? – part 2
I posted this quote last week and it has inspired this week’s blogs; “Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” And I just this morning saw a post by Brendon Burchard which said, “sometimes the busy work that we have isn’t our life’s work.”...

How do you do ‘busy’?
“I’m just so busy.” Almost said as a mantra. Sometimes worn as a badge. Oftentimes, an excuse. Are you willing to do less in order to accept more? With love Lynda

You scratch your back, I’ll scratch yours
A very good friend and mentor of mine manages to teach me when she’s not intending to teach me. I can simply observe her and the lessons come. One sunny, summer morning whilst visiting our favourite café, in the simple retelling of a story, I noticed something that...

SMART goals are sooooo 2008
As someone trained in coaching, I’m supposed to love goals. Supposed to. Can I tell you a secret? I can’t stand ‘em. Can. Not. Stand. Them. I find goals rather one dimensional. Everyone has heard of the ‘smart’ goals formula – goals must be specific, measurable,...

Ever feel stuck? What to do when you have writers or any other block
I need to be honest with you. I just don’t feel like writing today. I don’t. I have sat down at the PC more times than one, using the fridge calling as an excuse to leave it, and just not had anything to say. And as I’m writing during the non- writing phase, I am not...

Let’s talk about money
Right. Where was I? Oh that’s right, I was telling you stories of my jump from corporate into fashioning the life I want. In Tom Foolery part 2, I alluded to bridging your gaps. What I mean by this is very simple; be sure to cover your financial butt. It’s a known...
“…you’ll be amazed where her techniques for coaching can take you…..The answers are all there. Lynda just helps you find them.”
“Lynda helped me trust myself and rediscover my awesomeness.”
“Lynda is magnificent!”
“I can’t recommend Lynda highly enough.”
“I’m more confident of what I want to do and how I should achieve it …”
“Love the passion and excitement brought…”
“Can’t wait to have you back again Lynda…thanks for a truly motivating experience.”
“The first thing I noticed is her irrepressible enthusiasm for life and helping others…”
“…her willingness to go the extra mile for her clients.”
“ I have no hesitation in recommending her services to anyone looking for a professional and committed coach.”
“Your workshop was brilliant as it really engaged the audience and attracted robust discussion…”