What is your body telling you right now?
I went to a fascinating talk recently by Dr Darren Weissman. Something he told the audience astounded me. Every pharmaceutical drug up for approval in America must come up against the placebo effect. And the placebo effect is 95% effective every single time. Every....

Tell your boss to take a hike
I’m taking a little break in Bali at present. (I’ll stop talking about it soon. I promise it’s just because I’m excited!) On Thursday I spoke of the busyness in the lead up. I realised in all the hub bub that I was only getting an average of 6 – 7 hours sleep per...

Phew. It’s been a busy week. I don’t rate busy. In fact, I don’t believe in it. But I’ve had to dance with it a bit this last week, believing it necessary to get ‘all jobs done’ before I board a plane to Bali tomorrow. (In fact, once you receive this, I’ll be on my...

It’s finally here! Something special for you…
Excuse me for being a little bit giddy whilst I tell you the news! I've been working on something for you for a little while now. And it's finally ready! When I started out on my journey from corporate high flyer to small business owner, I really had no idea what I...

The little boy that could
I was very lucky this last sun shiny Friday to be lunching with my mum at a little café in Annandale. We were chatting away, enjoying our tea, when a little boy came bounding up to us from the street. He climbed up on the bench alongside me and cuddled my shoulders...

This sh*t is gonna get real
Many, many times I look back on my journey and think, “How on earth did you do it?” *shrug* I still don’t know. (Well, I do. I’m actually trying to fit the solution into one neat little package for everyone *wink*) I do know that there’s sure as hell been a healthy...

I’m with stupid
On Sunday I did the coastal walk. Beautifully vivid, turquoise blues were everywhere as I wandered along, breathing in the salty air. It was a gorgeous day if anyone can remember it – 23 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. (And boy does Sydney know how to turn it on...

How to develop a thicker skin
I lost a ‘liker’ this week. A single, solitary person left my building. I don’t know why. Maybe it was something I said? It’s interesting being in business. You need to develop a thick skin. People are going to come and go. They are going to be raving fans one minute...

I say QUACK to this…
Earlier this week we had a bit of fun at my expense. Today, I’d like to get a little more serious. [Gasp] This thing called perfectionism is a serious thing. Many people are afflicted by it. (Yes, I’m likening it to an illness.) Especially when it comes to new...

Time to poke some fun
When I visit my family it’s always fun. This hodge podge of personalities, temperaments and professions; we are all so different, yet we are all the same. Appreciating a meal together, my brother asked me, “Hey, if you make a mistake in your blog would you like to...
“…you’ll be amazed where her techniques for coaching can take you…..The answers are all there. Lynda just helps you find them.”
“Lynda helped me trust myself and rediscover my awesomeness.”
“Lynda is magnificent!”
“I can’t recommend Lynda highly enough.”
“I’m more confident of what I want to do and how I should achieve it …”
“Love the passion and excitement brought…”
“Can’t wait to have you back again Lynda…thanks for a truly motivating experience.”
“The first thing I noticed is her irrepressible enthusiasm for life and helping others…”
“…her willingness to go the extra mile for her clients.”
“ I have no hesitation in recommending her services to anyone looking for a professional and committed coach.”
“Your workshop was brilliant as it really engaged the audience and attracted robust discussion…”