But, but, but… what about the practicalities? Which step to take next.
Hello. Hi. How are you? Are you happy? Or are you choosing not to be? Are you in fact choosing to make things a litttttlllleeeee more complicated then what they need to be? Many, many people when they start out running a business or simply creating a new path to...

Do you have enough?
I guess this blog is an extension of last Thursday. A deeper one. I was watching a documentary recently called ‘I Am’. Tom Shadyac, a man normally known for his Hollywood directing prowess, ‘tapped out’ one day and decided to go on a journey of exploration. His...

Does it have to be all or nothing? How to support your lifestyle whilst transitioning
There are a few concerns that many of my clients consistently seem to butt heads with; “What if I fail?” (To help on this one, click here.) “What if I succeed?” (What then?!) “I feel like I’m starting again.” “Just how do I start?” “This is not what people expect of...

Here’s how to control your moody creativity…
You know when I started writing last Thursday’s blog, I didn’t meant to write that. Sometimes I sit down at the PC and what I had in mind morphs and moulds into something else. Sometimes it’s better than my original thought. Sometimes it’s not! And sometimes it’s not...

Here’s the thing about creativity…
Do you consider yourself creative? Do you consider yourself ‘a’ creative? Creativity is actually very much in the eye of the beholder. Let me explain. I never thought I was ‘creative’ or ‘a creative’. I always thought creative people were artists, sculptors, fashion...

Just how good do you think you are?
Are you a ‘rescuer’? Rescuers are those who want to see people succeed, so they do everything in their own power to help them, sometimes at the expense of themselves. Rescuer behaviour is well intended. Rescuers see someone in trouble and, well, come to their rescue....

For the love of all things holy, allow yourself this…
I teach some university classes throughout the year. I am privileged to cultivate others learning. I do that in coaching and I do that in teaching. I just adore it. I was marking exams a little while ago (this is not one of the parts of that gig that I adore – I think...

On the road less travelled? You need to do this…
On their pathway to success, entrepreneurs or potential entrepreneurs often see themselves as ‘being alone’. Entrepreneurs are breaking ground, they’re bucking the system and they’re doing the thing that people said they couldn’t do. Sometimes being out there doing...

I’m so excited that you’re going to fail!
One of the thoughts (just one of them) that ran through my mind when faced with the dilemma of starting my own business, taking a new path and exiting my well established career was, “But, but, but what if it fails?” What if it fails? What if it falls flat on its...

You expect what?!
Relationships are a tricky thing, aren't they? Not only do we need to be comfortable with our own perception and ideals of the world, but then we need to navigate and understand (though not necessarily be comfortable with) someone else's. And our perception can be...
“…you’ll be amazed where her techniques for coaching can take you…..The answers are all there. Lynda just helps you find them.”
“Lynda helped me trust myself and rediscover my awesomeness.”
“Lynda is magnificent!”
“I can’t recommend Lynda highly enough.”
“I’m more confident of what I want to do and how I should achieve it …”
“Love the passion and excitement brought…”
“Can’t wait to have you back again Lynda…thanks for a truly motivating experience.”
“The first thing I noticed is her irrepressible enthusiasm for life and helping others…”
“…her willingness to go the extra mile for her clients.”
“ I have no hesitation in recommending her services to anyone looking for a professional and committed coach.”
“Your workshop was brilliant as it really engaged the audience and attracted robust discussion…”