If you’re thinking of starting a business, read this…
One of the first things I was told to do when I was starting out was to check out “the competition”. What are others in your market offering and what makes you unique in that market? What is going to be the thing that makes you stand out amongst the crowd? What is...

Hey, wanna get crazy with me?
I’m a bit of a rom com girl and happened to watch the classic Serendipity on the weekend. Just for those who may not be familiar with it, this is a film about fate, chance, destiny and romance (of course ;-)). It tackles that age old question – are our lives mapped...

This one’s for all the single ladies… and men!
All the single ladies, all the single ladies, all the single ladies – put your hands up! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh… Ok. I got a little carried away there. BUT, this one’s for all the single gals, like me. Or guys for that matter. Single people in general. Single people, have...

Here’s what you’re really searching for…
How have you measured your success so far in this life? Has it been by the car you drive, the position you hold, the clothes you wear, the holidays you take or the house/suburb you live in? Have you ever strived for something and when you’ve reached it, you’ve felt...

Hey, wanna take a vacation with me?
I uploaded a pic this week – a quote from Buddha – saying, “The trouble is, you think you have time.” Hmmm. Yes. I can see how that’s a trouble! How many times have you put things off until tomorrow because you think you had time, only to have other ‘things’ get in...

Are you committed to being committed?
I’m writing this blog by the skin of my teeth tonight. It’s late. I’m tired. But I’m committed. Commitment has been something that I’ve been noticing in the last three weeks. Either I’m finding people aren’t committed or I’m finding people are committed at the expense...

I wanted to delve deeper on that horse…
Earlier this week, I mentioned values. Values are the set of behaviours that we desire. It’s what we’re seeking in life. We choose to prioritise certain things over another as a result of our values. Do you know your values? What are they? What order do they come in?...

Are you flogging a dead horse?
Can I talk about relationships here, with you? This last week has brought some of my most vital relationships under the microscope. I lost a couple, I found a new level of understanding on a couple and one is still under question. A week of absolute upheaval and pure...

Just how do we manage our responsibilities whilst dream chasing?
A friend of mine was telling me how much she was digging my blog… but that it’s all well and good to be a dream chaser when you don’t have any responsibilities. Does this imply that only people without responsibilities can be dream chasers? I think it does. But just...

What would Bon Jovi do?
I was debating one morning about getting up for 6am yoga; the choice between a sneaky little extra lie in and something productive for the body and my long term health. Yoga won in the end. My housemate noticed I left the house early and said, “Do you always ask...
“…you’ll be amazed where her techniques for coaching can take you…..The answers are all there. Lynda just helps you find them.”
“Lynda helped me trust myself and rediscover my awesomeness.”
“Lynda is magnificent!”
“I can’t recommend Lynda highly enough.”
“I’m more confident of what I want to do and how I should achieve it …”
“Love the passion and excitement brought…”
“Can’t wait to have you back again Lynda…thanks for a truly motivating experience.”
“The first thing I noticed is her irrepressible enthusiasm for life and helping others…”
“…her willingness to go the extra mile for her clients.”
“ I have no hesitation in recommending her services to anyone looking for a professional and committed coach.”
“Your workshop was brilliant as it really engaged the audience and attracted robust discussion…”