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“It makes you just want to shut up, doesn’t it?” Cue Liz, a friend of a friend.

I love this line.

Liz said this whilst telling us a story about a woman who was really and truly suffering in this life.

The things that were happening were sad and upsetting (and beyond her control from what I could hear).

So when I’m tempted to complain, I think of this woman and these words.

Remember though that complaining is different to venting. Venting is good for getting clarity around our problems. Once the conversation is out of our head, it can do wonders for gaining direction and moving us into solutions focus.

It’s when we choose to stay stuck in our story around problems that we become victims and therefore bitches and complainers.

You have the power to choose how you feel and what you focus on. Every. Single. Time. 

So today, do you choose to shut up and move forward or do you choose to stay stuck and become a victim?


Would love to hear what one liners you remember in order to jolt you out of a complaint? Let us know in the comments below!

With love


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